フェニックス東京本社 / Sales Department

Tell us about your role at Fenix.

I joined the company as a new graduate, and I am in charge of men's select shops in the sales department. I have been dealing with knitwear collections for a long time, so I try to take advantage of Fenix's strengths and absorbed their attitude of "let's make something decent." Many of our customers are familiar with it and appreciate it wholeheartedly, so I feel that it is far more important to have a distinctive expertise rather than being wide and unclear positioning, One of my strengths is that I can connect my production background to customers and to create never-before-seen knitwear . For that purpose, it is important to create relationships with both factories and stores, with the objective to make them cooperate with each other. Furthermore, it is paramount to build trust, so that our customers can understand the intent and the goodness of our proposals.

Each sales department has its own personality and II try to base my proposals on the strongest possible story-telling as if I am speaking directly with the end to consumers.

Please tell us what you want to challenge and what you are aiming for in your position.

It's not an issue, but since we have many customers in the same category, we need to be very careful about what we propose. Ideally, before making any new proposal, fully understand the differences and the values of of each brand, as well as to break down the differences that end consumers are looking for. To that end, I think that we must improve our sales skills by stepping into the MD-like part, gather insights, understand the detailed nuances, and shaping the contents of our proposals accordingly. Indeed, many parts of our system has already changed or is improving little by little. Until now, I had to spend a lot of time negotiating with the factory, so I couldn't get much time to sharpen my sales strategies, but now I can ask the support of Mr. Que from the production department. He can speak Chinese and is reliable. Therefore, now I can recover the resources that were allocated to dealing with the factories for my own work.

Please tell us what you are trying to do outside of work, what you are looking forward to, and your hobbies.

Travels and fitness training help me approach my ideal self-image. I think persistence would contribute to excellent personal growth.

How do you find working with Fenix's?

The relationships built with my superiors and Fenix's overall value proposition have helped me a lot and they are the indispensable ingredients to create new products with our customers. From my perspective, Fenix is a very important workplace where I have my role and responsibilities.